Welcome to the UK Scoliosis Clinic blog. We regularly post new articles covering the latest developments in Scoliosis research and treatment. Be sure to check back regularly for new content!

Scoliosis awareness month 2019 – Special events at the UK Scoliosis clinic
A year has almost gone by already, and its nearly time for scoliosis awareness month 2019. Scoliosis awareness month was originally set up by the National Scoliosis Foundation in the US, and has since been endorsed by the Scoliosis Research Society and the Society On Scoliosis Orthopaedic Rehabilita… Read more »

At what age am I at the greatest risk of scoliosis?
Scoliosis, like many conditions, is most common in certain age groups – and as a consequence, we recommend that these individuals be the most careful when checking for symptoms. The simplest answer to the question is that young adults are generally considered to be at the highest overall risk – but… Read more »

I have Scoliosis – will my children have Scoliosis?
One of the questions which scoliosis sufferers often ask is as to whether they would be likely to pass scoliosis on to any children they may have. This is a good question since research does suggest that scoliosis (like most conditions) can run in families. Having said this, much more research is re… Read more »

Does Scoliosis cause Neck pain?
For some time, it has been thought that common problems such as back and neck aches and pains were not a symptom of scoliosis. Even many scoliosis specialists did not necessarily consider pain to be an important indicator of a problem – however, over the last few years, various studies have demonstr… Read more »

Is exercise recommended for people with scoliosis?
The role of sport and exercise as it relates to scoliosis and its treatment is a complex one. It has been known for some time that participants in some activities, such as gymnastics, seem to have a higher risk of developing scoliosis – at the same time, it has also long been suggested that exercise… Read more »
Does playing football increase the risk of Kyphosis?
Like Scoliosis, Kyphosis is a common condition which affects the spine. While in scoliosis, the spine is deformed so that It “curves” to the side, in Kyphosis it “bends” further forwards than is ideal. In a normal individual, when the spine and posture are viewed from the side, the ear, shoulder, hi… Read more »
What causes scoliosis? (and what doesn’t)
Perhaps one of the most common questions we are asked about scoliosis is simply “what causes scoliosis” – a quick google search yields far less information than you might think since in many cases the answer is still “we aren’t sure”. At the UK Scoliosis clinic, we like to provide all the informatio… Read more »
Why scoliosis should be examined by a trained professional
At the UK Scoliosis clinic, we are always campaigning for the widespread adoption of scoliosis screening in schools, clubs and anywhere else where young people gather! It’s not just younger people who need to be concerned about scoliosis either – as we recently wrote on this blog, adult onset or “de… Read more »
School screening isn’t just effective – it’s cheap!
As regular readers of this blog will know, the UK Scoliosis clinic is a strong advocate for the introduction of school screening programs for scoliosis here in the UK. Currently, there is no national plan nor program for scoliosis screening, even though almost all scoliosis clinicians agree that imp… Read more »
Happy New Year from the UK Scoliosis Clinic
A happy new year from everyone here at the UK Scoliosis Clinic! If you’re a scoliosis sufferer or know someone who is, you might be looking for some impactful new year’s resolutions which can benefit scoliosis sufferers. With that in mind, here are some scoliosis friendly New Years resolutions which… Read more »