Welcome to the UK Scoliosis Clinic blog. We regularly post new articles covering the latest developments in Scoliosis research and treatment. Be sure to check back regularly for new content!

Reduction of Scheuermann’s deformity and scoliosis using ScoliBrace
New research just published by our partner ScoliCare has once again gone to show that the ScoliBrace, coupled with an appropriate exercise regime can be effective not only in reducing scoliosis, but also in treating Scheuermann’s Kyphosis. Regular readers of the blog will know that a treatable case… Read more »

Is scoliosis a risk factor for mental health?
Like all reputable clinics, the UK scoliosis clinic focuses the majority of its time and effort on providing the best possible treatment for scoliosis cases. For the most part, this means keeping up with the latest research, bracing and exercise based techniques which can assist in controlling and r… Read more »

Study suggests bracing is also effective in early-onset scoliosis patients
While the majority of studies on scoliosis bracing focus primarily on adolescent scoliosis sufferers, there are many other groups who do suffer from scoliosis in significant numbers. Over the last few weeks, we have looked at scoliosis treatment in older individuals -this week we’re examining the be… Read more »

Can diet cause, or cure, Scoliosis?
Today there are a wide variety of non-surgical treatment options for scoliosis, and indeed there are a growing range of options within the surgical remit. As society as a whole becomes more aware of scoliosis, many professionals are entering the field and offering their own views about how their spe… Read more »

Spinal surgery for scoliosis and degenerative disc disease
Scoliosis, if left untreated, tends to progress in most cases – and where this progression is significant enough it can result in significant disability and reduction in quality of life. For this reason, scoliosis is a condition which the medical profession has been keen to treat and treat as early… Read more »

Does Degenerative Scoliosis cause pain?
Degenerative, or “De-novo” scoliosis is the name given to a scoliosis case which develops later in life and which has a known cause. Whereas the vast majority of scoliosis cases in younger people are classified as “idiopathic” scoliosis (that is to say, a condition without a clearly defined cause) d… Read more »

Think Scoliosis Just effects children? Think again!
While it’s true that Scoliosis is a major issue for younger people, the fact that scoliosis only affects them, or even primarily affects them isn’t quite correct. Today, for example, we know that at least one child in every school class will develop scoliosis – bud did you know that as many as 1 in… Read more »

A scoliosis Journey – Week 3
This week, we round out our journey with Patient X – having correctly diagnosed scoliosis and chosen an appropriate treatment methodology, it’s now time to explore her progress and eventual results using the Scolibrace system. 5. Treating scoliosis with scolibrace – the results As you will re… Read more »

A Scoliosis Journey: Week 2
Last week we began to explore the case of Patient X – a scoliosis patient who, after successful treatment with a ScoliBrace, avoided the need for corrective surgery and now lives scoliosis free. This week, we learn about her treatment prescription. If you missed week one, we suggest reading it here… Read more »

A Scoliosis Journey: Week 1
Welcome to this special series of articles from the UK scoliosis clinic. This month is scoliosis awareness month, and throughout June we will be covering a representational example of a scoliosis case, all the way from discovery to diagnosis, treatment to conclusion. While this series necessarily p… Read more »