At the UK Scoliosis clinic, one of our primary goals is to help educate people about Scoliosis, the symptoms it causes, how to spot its signs and most importantly, how we can treat it. With this in mind we’re always looking for effective ways to bring usable and easy-to-access information about scoliosis together for those who need it. This week, we’re pleased to launch our new information series, which you can now receive for free, via email.
Get the facts, for free!
Our new Scoliosis information series is aimed at those just learning about Scoliosis – whether you’re a parent who has just learned your child has Scoliosis, a young adult who has just been diagnosed, or an older individual experiencing the effects of degenerative or de-novo Scoliosis, the aim of this series is to help you learn the essential facts about the condition and what you can do about it.
What is Scoliosis anyway?
Scoliosis is a condition of the spine which, left untreated, can be a life-limiting condition which will often worsen and may require major spinal surgery. Thankfully, today there are a number of effective non-surgical options for treating scoliosis.
Like many conditions, scoliosis is much easier to treat when it is spotted early [i] and the best way to spot it early is to help people understand what to look for. It’s for this reason that scoliosis screening is considered a beneficial stage of treatment amongst the Orthopaedic community, as reported in the Consensus Paper which has been published by the Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT)[ii]. Indeed, numerous studies have suggested that school screening can reduce the number of cases which eventually require treatment – despite this, school screening has still not been implemented in UK schools, although in some countries screening is now widespread. Similarly, most people in the UK have never even heard of Scoliosis, much less the more modern approaches to treating it which exist today.
What you’ll learn
Over the course of this easy-to-access series you’ll learn:
- What Scoliosis is, and what causes it
- The types of Scoliosis, and who they affect
- How you can screen for the signs of scoliosis, at home, in less than 5 minutes
- How we can treat Scoliosis, and how treatment has improved over time
- What the best treatment for Scoliosis is
- The answers to the most frequently asked questions we hear about Scoliosis
Finally, we’ll let you know how to get in touch with us if you’re concerned about Scoliosis, or just need more information.
How to sign up
You can access this totally free series by signing up here
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